Obituary — Randy Banks

• Mr. Banks wanted to attach a second elevator—a modern one—to the Castle. His plan was to lay off most of the staff.
• In 2009, Mr. Banks was forced to resign from the Board because he was sleeping with the Events Manager. Treating employees like family, the HOA fired her. Her family was destroyed because of the affair. She became an Internet porn star.
• After returning to the Board years later, Banks was chiefly responsible for the disastrous Multani case. The spectacular legal loss resulted in the largest insurance payout in Castle history. Because the HOA foolishly appealed the case, it also immortalized Mr. Banks in California case law.
(Win or lose, Richardson always profits from such legal misadventures.)
• Reacting to a negative comment from a female date, Banks insisted upon needlessly repainting the elevator shaft. The weeks-long project negatively impacted elderly and disabled residents in the building, who were forced to trudge up and down the stairs, all the way up to the Penthouse. Banks callously stated that such residents "shouldn't live here".
• Firmly cementing his reputation as a bully, Banks shoved Mr. Strand into a homeless guy seated on the Gold Line train during the return trip from a "friendly" Castle bowling outing. Mr. Banks was known for derisively calling Mr. Strand, "Baby Jim", at the Castle's Thursday Social.
• Mr. Banks liked to take credit for the Mills Act thing. It was Dianne who fed him the idea. (She knows about stuff like that.)
• Mr. Banks really fucked up the roof. Just ask Jim.
Randy's Castle story should have ended there. But during his final days here, he took a sudden interest in the laundry room.